Good evening! A few updates have been made to this asset pack. "" contains the updated files: - Female Trendy updated to add hood...
Good morning! Updates to the majority of animations (and some adjustments to the look of some sprites) are coming up in Summer (no exact date at the moment) alo...
Good evening, I've just updated the asset pack with a character sprite for my store ambassador, Gutty-chan! Please download for t...
The Female Youth sprite was missing 3 pixels for the idle stances in both the black outline version and more natural outline version. See GuttyKreum_Characterpa...
Howdy! I've added the maid cafe character (folder name "FemaleCafeMaid") from my Japanese Arcade Game Assets + Music pack and have created a more natural outli...
Howdy! I went through all the animations and made the appropriate 3 frame walk cycles for all characters. Check out the newly updated 'GuttyKreum_Characterpackv...
Heya all! I was working on making this pack compatible with RPG Maker (coming soon!) when I realized that there were some pixels missing on the 'MaleCasual' spr...